启德留学中介可靠吗 - 中介质量取决于导师

2024年1月16日 43点热度 0人点赞 0条评论



从资本背景来看,启德教育多年来不断被资本力量收购,其上市计划也屡次失败。2000年,启德教育由李朱等人创立。随后,启德教育多次成为资本并购的目标。2006年,环球雅思试图收购启德教育,但未成功。2009年,新东方计划收购启德教育,后因双方意见分歧而作罢。2011年,英联资本投资启德教育5亿美元。2013年,CVC基金以超过30亿元人民币收购启德教育75%股权。在此期间,启德教育多次谋划上市,但均以失败告终。2010年计划赴港上市,2013年再次锁定赴港上市,但因“PE倍数太低”而放弃。CVC收购启德后,继续推动其上市计划,但同样未获得成功。频繁的资本运作和上市计划流产,反映出启德教育存在管理混乱、经营不力的问题。这充分说明,我们不应该过分看重启德这样大型中介的规模和排名。这些都可能是资本力量Through frequent capital operations and aborted IPO plans, it reflects management chaos和经营不力的问题。 This fully demonstrates that we should not overemphasize the size and ranking of large intermediaries like Qide. These may be the result of capital manipulation, rather than the intermediary's own strength.


尽管在多数榜单上,启德教育的排名较高,但外界对其的负面评价也存在。首先,中介本身就存在夸大宣传的问题。启德教育的水军和竞争对手都会在评价中言过其实。其次,个别学生由于不满中介服务质量,也会进行负面评价。再者,启德多年的资本运作也让人对其稳定性存疑。所以,我们不应该仅凭几个排名来判断启德的质量好坏。负面评价同样值得关注。留学决定未来,我们必须审慎选择。不能因为几个正面评价就完全相信一个留学中介。同时,也不能因为个别负面评价而盲目排斥某家中介。关键是要深入分析每家中介的专业性、服务质量和可靠性,然后慎重做出选择。We should not rely solely on a few rankings to judge the quality of Qide. Negative evaluations are also worth paying attention to. Studying abroad determines the future, so we must be prudent in choosing intermediaries. We should not completely trust an intermediary because of a few positive evaluations. At the same time, we should not blindly reject an intermediary because of some negative evaluations. The key is to thoroughly analyze the expertise, service quality and reliability of each intermediary, and then make a careful choice.


选择留学中介时,我们不应仅过分看重中介的规模和排名,更重要的是导师的专业素质。因为真正在指导学生的不是中介机构,而是中介的具体导师。优秀的留学导师需要对目的国家和学校有丰富的了解,能给到学生正确的建议。他们也需要责任心强,不断跟进服务学生。另一方面,导师素质参差不齐也是大中介的通病。部分导师专业能力有限,甚至存在敷衍了事的情况。所以,我们在选择启德等大中介时,不能被其规模所迷惑,而要深入考察导师的工作态度和服务能力。只有选择真正优秀的留学导师,学生的利益才能得到实际的保障。When choosing a study abroad agency, we should not over-emphasize the size and ranking of the agency. More important is the expertise of the counselors. Because it is not the agency but the specific counselors who really guide students. Excellent study abroad counselors need to have a good understanding of the target countries and schools to provide students with sound advice. They also need a strong sense of responsibility to keep following up with students. On the other hand, uneven counselor quality is a common problem for large agencies like Qide. Some counselors have limited expertise and may even be perfunctory. Therefore, when choosing large agencies like Qide, we should not be blinded by their size, but take a closer look at the counselors' work ethic and service capabilities. Only by choosing truly outstanding study abroad counselors can students' interests be really protected.


