
2023年11月18日 48点热度 0人点赞 0条评论



第一套听力的答案为:1-A, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C, 5-A, 6-B, 7-C, 8-A, 9-C, 10-B, 11-A, 12-B, 13-A, 14-C, 15-B, 16-A, 17-B, 18-C, 19-A, 20-B。听力解析:这套听力关注日常生活和课堂学习相关话题,其中第11题关于family history较难,需要注意男孩提到的祖父母年龄信息。第17题问student union的聚会时间,需要注意conversation中提到的具体时间。这套听力整体难度适中,考查日常实用英语听力理解能力。

第一套阅读的答案为:21-B, 22-C, 23-A, 24-B, 25-D, 26-C, 27-B, 28-A, 29-D, 30-A, 31-D, 32-B, 33-C, 34-A, 35-D, 36-C, 37-B, 38-A, 39-C, 40-B。阅读解析:这套阅读以社会文化类文章为主,考查了环境保护、网络品牌、儿童游戏等话题。第21题需要根据weather projects的例子推断出文章主旨。第29题问到brand community的定义,需要在文中找出具体句子。这套阅读文章论述较清楚,但需要注意文章细节信息。

汽车被广泛认为是20世纪最伟大的发明之一。汽车不仅改变了人们的生活方式,而且创造了数百万新的工作机会。 汽车行业的兴起推动了许多相关行业的发展,如石油开采、高速公路建设、汽车销售和维修等。 汽车为人们提供了远距离运输的便利,人们可以更快地到达目的地。 另一方面,汽车也带来一些问题,如环境污染、交通拥堵和安全隐患。 但总体而言,汽车带给我们的好处远大于坏处。 我们应该在继续享受汽车带来便利的同时,努力解决可能造成的负面影响。

Some people think news media should present both sides of an issue, while others believe the media should just report the facts. In my opinion, the media should stick to the facts instead of trying to interpret issues by presenting different opinions.

The media's first priority should be to report the facts. Once the basic facts are presented, the public can form their own interpretations and opinions. The news media should act as an objective lens through which people get a clear picture of events. It is not the media's place to provide analysis or commentary on the facts. Their job is to find and verify information, then present it accurately and objectively.

Presenting different sides of issues requires analysis and interpretation that may reflect the media organization's biases. There are always far more than two sides to any issue, so choosing to highlight just two perspectives offers a very limited view of reality. It can also contribute to social polarization as people latch onto one of the two opposing sides presented. The news media is most helpful when it lets people observe and interpret events for themselves.

In conclusion, the news media best serves the public interest when it sticks to the facts. Trying to analyze and interpret issues by presenting opposing opinions only introduces bias. The media should report, not interpret. The objective reporting of facts allows the public to form their own sensible opinions on issues.




第二套阅读的答案为:21-C,22-B,23-D,24-A,25-C,26-A,27-B,28-D,29-C,30-B,31-D,32-A,33-B,34-C,35-A,36-D,37-C,38-B,39-A,40-D。阅读解析:这套阅读以工作和教育相关文章为主,包含职业规划、员工评估、教学方法等话题。第23题需根据bright students的例子推断出文章观点。第25题问effective learning的定义,需在文中找出相关句子。这套阅读对思维能力和细节把握的要求较高。

越来越多的博物馆现在允许游客拍照,这也引发了人们对博物馆的作用的热烈讨论。 一些人认为博物馆应该允许参观者随意拍摄。他们说这可以使更多人欣赏藏品,还可以促进藏品的传播。 但是,也有人担心游客的照相对博物馆造成损害,认为应该限制拍照。例如,游客使用闪光灯可能会对易碎文物产生不良影响。 此外,参观者在拍照时可能会阻挡其他人的视线,或导致安全隐患。 尽管如此,博物馆还是应该允许适当的拍照,比如不使用闪光灯等。适当的拍照不会对藏品造成伤害,可以鼓励更多人参观博物馆,获得启发和教育。

The reading lists of courses offered at universities are often criticized for being biased and outdated. Some argue we must update reading lists to reflect diverse authors and ideas. However, I believe the classics remain essential to students’ learning. Therefore, established readings should dominate course lists.

The classics have withstood the test of time because they engage readers with timeless, universal themes. These texts have influenced cultures and shaped intellectual thought for generations. Their richness and depth provide invaluable insight to students. While some modern texts may relate more directly to today's issues, the perspective of historical writings is irreplaceable. Students should study founding texts that laid the intellectual groundwork of academic disciplines.

Introducing recent texts for the sake of diversity risks undermining the historical foundation students must build. It is essential that students learn the origins of ideas and theories before learning how they have evolved. Apart from foundational historical texts, political factors could influence what modern works are deemed worthy of inclusion. University reading lists should be shaped by academic considerations, not ideological trends.

In conclusion, while some updating of reading lists is reasonable, established classics must remain at the core. Students need exposure to time-tested works that have shaped academic fields over centuries. Modern, diverse texts can supplement classic readings, but should not displace the core historical writings that must be the foundation of a solid university education.








Some people believe famous athletes have a responsibility to be positive role models to children, while others think they should be judged only on their sporting accomplishments. I believe that athletes take on a responsibility as role models when they become famous, and they should set good examples for young fans.

Famous athletes often have a major influence over young people who admire their sporting abilities and follow their careers closely. These fans may imitate the attitudes, behavior and choices of star athletes. Athletes can have a big impact simply by being honest competitors who work hard and show good sportsmanship. Even small actions such as treating teammates with respect can set a strong example for children observing their heroes.

While athletes' main job is performing in their sport, the fame and money they gain comes with responsibility. Children need good role models, so society should expect higher standards of conduct from athletes who have become celebrities. Famous athletes are not perfect, but they are expected to make an effort to set the right example for their young admirers. In this way, athletic ability and strong moral character can complement each other to have a positive influence over children.

In conclusion, athletes have a duty to be responsible role models due to their fame. While their primary job is competing in sports, they should also make an effort to set good examples and spread positive values to their young fans.



