
托福口语正反对比题通常以“Do you agree or disagree”或者“Some people think ... Other people think ...”的形式出现,要求考生表达自己的观点并给出支持论点。这类题目难点在于在有限时间内快速判断自己的立场,并组织语言进行回答。具体来说,做这类题目时,考生首先要注意听清题目,判断自己的立场。此后要联系自己的背景知识,组织2-3个论点进行回答。每个论点应该要点明确、层次分明,并与中心观点相关。此外,运用过渡词和连接词使内容逻辑清晰、语句通顺也很重要。总体来说,这类题目对考生的听力理解、逻辑思维和语言组织能力提出了很高要求。
题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games teach people more about life than books.
I agree that games can teach people more about life than books. Here are two reasons. First, games provide simulated life experiences. Many games today strive for realism and let players experience different lives. For example, some role-playing games allow you to experience living in ancient Rome or commanding armies. This gives players useful life lessons. Second, games require active learning. To succeed in games, especially multiplayer games, you must learn skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. Books provide knowledge passively, but games make you apply that knowledge. This process helps players develop abilities they can use in real life. In conclusion, I think the interactive experiences of games are more educational than plain text.
I have to disagree with the idea that games teach you more than books. There are two main reasons for my opinion. First, books provide knowledge in a systematic way. Non-fiction books summarize human learning on topics thoroughly. Textbooks methodically build on concepts step-by-step. This organized learning is more complete than the fragmented lessons of games. Second, books exercise your imagination more. Books have descriptive passages that engage your mind. When you read novels, you imagine characters and scenes. Games do the imagining for you, which does not exercise creativity as much. Overall, the organized knowledge and imagination exercise from books outweigh any incidental life lessons from games. Therefore, I maintain that books educate people better.